Surprise! Join Our Audio Course on Renaissance Women Artists!

Surprise! Join Our Audio Course on Renaissance Women Artists!

It’s a week full of fun surprises over here at “ArtCurious!” Today we’re thrilled to announce that I’ve created an audio course for those looking to explore the world of Renaissance Europe through the eyes of the women artists who thrived there. This course is called “Breaking Barriers: Women Artists of Renaissance Europe,” a 21-day course, broken up into daily episodes that are no longer than 10 minutes. And naturally, there are no pesky term papers or final exams to worry about-- just cool art history content that you won’t find anywhere else. 

I love bringing you amazing, funny and strange stories about the world of art history-- it’s why I make the show, after all-- but I also know that our show is sometimes limited by a particular theme, time limits and advertising. It also doesn’t always allow us to dig deeper into a single topic-- and so I wanted to change all this, and try something new.

I’ve no doubt that the names Michelangelo, Donatello, Raphael, and Leonardo already mean something major to you-- and not just as mutant reptiles with rad martial arts skills, natch. You know these artists as some of the biggest names in Renaissance art who created some of the most iconic works of art of all time. Looking closer, though, and you’ll find another commonality: they are all male artists. What about the great female makers of the Renaissance -where, and who, are they?  So I’ve created this 21-day course--and a course correction, really-- through Avid.FM, where you can explore the lives and works of 20 women artists, from the familiar (like the eye-opening stories Sofonisba Anguissola and Marietta Robusti), to the names you may have heard once or twice (like the highly-successful Levina Teerlinc and Properzia de’ Rossi), to the practically unknown-- who’s Anastasia, you may ask? 

Like the best episodes of ArtCurious, you’ll get the satisfaction of learning about the Renaissance in depth, and with a greater capacity for understanding the limits and barriers to women seeking to work professionally in one of the most colorful eras of western history. You’ll become familiar with artists you’ve probably never heard of, all of whom made an incredible mark on art history. 

Are you in? We need to confirm there’s enough interest before production of this fantastic course starts, so if you’re a fan of ArtCurious and want to do something to support, sign up right now for “Breaking Barriers: Women Artists of Renaissance Europe” at ( Register by June 7th for a special early buy-in price of just $21.99– and if we get enough interest the course will be available soon. As always, thank you for listening and stay curious!

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Episode Credits:

Production and Editing by Kaboonki.

Music Credits:

"Long Way Home" by Spinning Ratio is licensed under BY 4.0

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